公開日 2018年05月11日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)DMO研究ユニット所属の3名の研究員(八島雄士 観光学部教授、永井隼人 観光学部講師、アダム?ドーリング CTR准教授)の共著論文が、日本国際観光学会論文集第25号に掲載されました。
八島雄士 (和歌山大学観光学部)
永井隼人 (和歌山大学観光学部)
アダム?ドーリング (和歌山大学国際観光学研究センター)
2018年3月, 第25号, 141-147頁
日本国際観光学会 http://www.jafit.jp/
In 2015, the Japanese government launched a programme that aims to enhance the performance of destination organisations. Within the programme, the concept of destination marketing and/or management organisations (DMOs), which has been developed mainly in the Western countries, was introduced. Destination organisations can apply to be registered as DMO candidate organisations. Candidate organisations, which are categorised as municipal, inter-municipal, or inter-prefectural levels, disclose their income performance when they apply to the programme. This study provides an example of how DMOs manage local communities. Using income data from municipal and inter-municipal DMO candidate organisations in Kyushu, we discuss the optimal income ratio, the role of partnership platforms/initiatives, and the contribution to sustainable management through commercial income. In addition, the Tamana DMO in Kumamoto Prefecture is used to explore how DMOs can enhance engagement with local communities. We conclude with a discussion of the meaning of ‘M’ within DMOs and their functions.
DMO、収入構造、日本版DMO 候補法人、地域コミュニティー、持続的経営
DMO, income structure, DMO program in Japan, local communities, sustainable management