Tourism, sustainable development and the theoretical divide: 20 years on
公開日 2020年06月30日
国際観光学研究センター(CTR)副センター長で、本学特別主幹教授であるRichard Sharpley教授(University of Central Lancashire)の論文が学術誌「Journal of Sustainable Tourism」に掲載されました。
これは、20年前に同誌に掲載され、発刊以来最も読まれている同教授の論文「Tourism and sustainable development: Exploring the theoretical divide」に立ち返り、改めて現在の課題について最新の理論を基に議論しています。
Tourism, sustainable development and the theoretical divide: 20 years on
Richard Sharpley, Lancashire School of Business & Enterprise, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28:11, 1932-1946
DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1779732
A conceptual paper published twenty years ago concluded that sustainable tourism development is an unviable objective. Specifically, it argued that environmentally sound tourism development (sustainable tourism) is essential; sustainable development through tourism, however, is unachievable. Despite continuing alignment between tourism and sustainable development in both academic and policy circles, not only have the intervening two decades proved this argument in practice to be correct, but also there is little evidence of a more sustainable tourism sector. This paper, therefore, returns to the theoretical relationship between tourism and sustainable development, considering more recent transformations in understandings of the concept of development as well as contemporary approaches to sustainable development. Highlighting the controversy surrounding the continuing adherence to economic growth in development policy in general and tourism development in particular, it discusses sustainable de-growth as an alternative approach to development and, in the context of increasing concerns over climate change, the specific implications for tourism.
Sustainable tourism, sustainable development, economic growth model, sustainable de-growth