公開日 2021年07月14日
2021年6月30日(水)、日本政府が推進する「対日理解促進プロジェクト」の一環であるKAKEHASHI PROJECTにより、日系アメリカ人大学生34名と和歌山大学観光学部生17名が参加し、オンライン交流会を実施しました。
June 30, 2021
34 Japanese-American university students and 17 students from the Faculty of Tourism, Wakayama University participated in an online exchange program?through the KAKEHASHI PROJECT, a part of the Japanese government's project to promote understanding about Japan.
During the exchange, under the theme of "Diversity: Race and Gender," students from both countries gave presentations on the current situation in each country and had group discussions facilitated by faculty members: Prof. Michiyo Yoshida and Prof. Adam Doering.
The students deepened their mutual understanding by discussing the current situation surrounding race and gender in the society.
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