【学内限定:International Guest Lecture Series 1/7(火)16:30~18:00 開催】Open Space Research Forum 2024 「Stepping Stones」
公開日 2024年12月24日
Open Space Research Forum 2024 (International Guest Lecture Series) will be held as follows.
The series is open to all staff and students (undergraduate/postgraduate). No reservation required.
下記の通り、Open Space Research Forum 2024(International Guest Lecture Series)を開催します。
Title: Stepping Stones: The Agency of Aesthetic Engagement and More than Human Relationalities in Landscapes
Valgerður Tinna Gunnarsdóttir
Hugvísindasvið Institute of Research in Literature and Visual Arts, University of Iceland
Date and time/日時
January 7, 2025 16:30-18:00 JST
2025年1月7日(火)16:30-18:00 JST
Multi-use space
西4号館 多目的スペース
Touching Landscape explores how aesthetic engagement in landscapes can be stimulated, conceptualized, and understood as agency of change. The acute environmental challenges of our times call for immediate individual and collective responses through diverse approaches, tools, and techniques, from science to art and the humanities. This ongoing PhD research revolves around a case study carried out in the abandoned fjord Héðinsfjörður on the north coast of Iceland. The project is trans disciplinary in its approach as it draws from many disciplines within the arts and the humanities, and borrows attitudes and understandings from various fields, such as geology and geography. It applies practice-based methods and entails the implementation of two original site-specific design installations in Héðinsfjörður; Stepping Stones (2021) and Halo (2021). Although emphasis is put on human experience, the project sits within a framework of more-than-human ontology, acknowledging the complex intertwining between humans, nonhumans and inanimate matter.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 24K03180.
本研究はJSPS科研費 24K03180の助成を受けたものです。
This series aims to stimulate rigorous discussion and debate on topics presented by students (Master, PhD, UG working on projects and graduate thesis) and academic members. Presentations that are “in-progress” “to be presented” or “published” are welcome. International speakers may also be invited via Zoom.
The series is open to all staff and students (undergraduate/postgraduate). No reservation required.
- Presentation: 15 minutes x 2 presenters + 30 minute discussion
プレゼンテーション: 15分×2名+ディスカッション30分 - Mode of presentation: PPT or other creative methodologies
プレゼンテーションの形式: PPT など
Language of presentation/発表言語
Japanese or English/日本語、または英語
- Presenters will receive an official certificate of participation.
発表者には参加証が発行されます。 - This presentation is not part of the official requirements for UG/Master/PhD programs.
2024 Schedule/2024年度スケジュール (予定)
4th Thursday 15:00-16:00 JST/毎月第4木曜日 15:00-16:00 JST
加藤久美 kumikato@wakayama-u.ac.jp
アダム?ドーリング adoering@wakayama-u.ac.jp
アビック?チャクラバルティ abhich78@wakayama-u.ac.jp
遠藤理一 endo3410@wakayama-u.ac.jp